5 bad social media habits to drop this year

Alexandra Fasulo
2 min readJan 10, 2017

Sure, you know at this point that your business needs social media, consistent posting, and proper spelling and grammar, but have you ever considered the bad social media management habits you may be channeling into your daily posting? Social media is an art form of its own, and as such, has many ways for you to help, and hurt, your business in the process.

Here are 5 bad social media habits you should DEFINITELY drop this year:

1. Not engaging your followers

If you’re going to spend all this time developing social media content and posting it, then you better be engaging with the responses as well. People want to be seen and heard. If they have something to say about your post, they want a response from you. Whether it’s a good or bad response, make sure you let your followers know they have been heard either way.

2. Automation

If I see another Instagram picture posted to Facebook through account linking, I may lose it. No one likes to see “recycled” content on social media. People are on that platform specifically looking at you and your brand for natively uploaded and developed content. Get creative, and be sure to upload everything originally on the respective platform.

3. Taking yourself too seriously

Social media is full of enough cynicism and over-the-top seriousness as it is today. Don’t add to it. Have fun with your page! It’s ok to post something that is less-than-serious every so often. Show your followers that you’re a human being with humor. Funny posts always do better than intimidating, informational ones.

4. Inconsistency

This is a hard one for business owners to manage. As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. Making sure a Facebook post is queued up for every day of the week isn’t at the top of your list. The problem is that prospective brand followers expect consistent posting from you, or else they’ll drift off to another brand that does get the job done. Try and queue posts up every Sunday when you’re home relaxing.

5. Spreading yourself too thin

Many business owners today are under the misconception that they need to be on 10 social media platforms every single day. By spreading your social media presence too thin, you’re going to dilute your content. People will be able to tell. Channel your energy into the 1–2 platforms where your online communities thrive.

For us and for everyone on social media, kick these 5 bad social media habits in 2017. Like everything, it’s easier said than done; but with determination and focus, you’ll get there.



Alexandra Fasulo

Alex Fasulo is a Fiverr millionaire, full-time freelance writer, freelancing thought leader, and host of the Freelance Fairytales Podcast.